
Life is Short and So am I

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J and Beyond, is one of two big international Joomla conferences every year, with the Joomla World Conference being the other and it’s back for a fourth year.  From May 31st to June 2nd, Joomla! developers and site builders from over 30 countries will gather in Noordwijkerhout, near Amsterdam.

The Keynote - ”Life is Short and So Am I”.

On the Saturday night, I gave the keynote address.

This was a presentation on ‘intentionalizing’ your life. On January 25, 2013 I turned 19,000 days old. I know – that’s kind of weird. Who counts how many days they’ve been alive? As it turns out, it’s a great way to really make each day count and there’s a lot of wisdom in doing so.

Sociologists tell us that our 20′s are the ‘most important’ decade of our lives. What I’m going to be sharing is something I wish someone had told me around day 9,000 of my life… not day 19,000. Life IS short and coincidentally, so am I. It gives you an interesting perspective – when all you can see is ‘backs and butts’ when standing in line for things – its like not seeing the forest for the trees all the time.

I wanted to help folks see that while not every day can be remarkable, you can make a remarkable difference in at least one person’s life, every day.

If you want to find out how many days old you are right now, go to

Some of the resources for my talk (in no particular order):

  • The idea of making every day count and counting the days we've been alive comes from this fantastic book - 20,000 Days and Counting by Robert D. Smith.  I can't say enough about how much I have appreciated this short book.
  • Using Our Practical Wisdom - Barry Schwartz (TED Talk)
  • What Makes Us Feel Good About Our Work - Dan Ariely (TED Talk)
  • Enchantment - Guy Kawasaki
  • Seven Habits of Highly Effective People / First Things First - Stephen Covey
  • Platform - Michael Hyatt
  • Harvard Business Review - I'm an avid reader - so many ideas over time - but definitely an influence on this talk
  • Triumphs of Experience - George Vaillant - The Harvard study I quoted at the end of my talk
  • Story of the Zen Master - Charlie Wilson's War
  • The Bible - most of the Proverbs I quoted are from the book of Proverbs (NLT)
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